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DIY Counter Spray

I find that grownups have a lot of feelings about their sink and counter cleaning. I have a scrub brush and a sponge in the sink at all times. If I need to dry dishes I have a set of white washcloth type things that I use and I also use them with my counter spray. Every time my mom is here she takes the white towel and uses it on the dishes. Every time. She also asks me where my Brillo is? When my mom and MIL are here they then use the wet towel to wipe down my granite counter with water; this leaves my counter streaky and I can’t stand it. I come in and use my counter spray while they’re here and they still love me, luckily.

Very particular we are. The spray, though, was pulled out of a Real Simple literally years ago. I spray down my counter more times a day than I can count, but never have I ever bought spray. This concoction costs peanuts to make so it will save you money AND it’s good for the environment because you don’t have to keep buying plastic bottles. It’s disinfectant due to the alcohol and you can make it smell however you want with some essential oils (I like eucalyptus and lavender – bought them at Whole Foods I think). I’ll give you measurements below but once you’ve made it once or twice you can free hand it.

DIY Counter Spray

1 Reusable spray bottle – glass or plastic

1 tsp. dish soap

1/2 c. rubbing alcohol

3-5 drops essential oil of choice

Fill the rest with water

  1. Combine all ingredients in container and you’re ready to clean!