The idea of “taco night” isn’t something we practice; they love tacos so I’m not sure why – maybe the dietary restrictions that would make me need to buy three different types of tortillas? Regardless, a family favorite with my crew – perhaps the family favorite, is nachos.Â
This was an old post that I’m redoing – I am going to leave this intro because it makes me remember our sweet little life with one baby in the WC borough!
There’s a place in our town called Ram’s Head – more accurately it’s a bar. On nice nights we will meander there after a “town walk”, sit outside and order the chicken nachos and a couple light beers. The nachos are huge and the four of us eat them for our meal (which makes for a very cheap and very happy dinner out). I wondered if I could make a dinner version? To take a snack food and make it a meal, I’d need to dial down high calorie, less nutritive aspects (chips, sour cream, anything refried, and cheese), and dial up the protein and healthy fats (meat, beans, avocado).
I essentially made these nachos with the things I like on my nachos, while taking care to bake them in a way that ensured even amounts of cheese and toppings on each chip. I served our “dinner” while still on the baking sheet and explained to Tessa that our super fun meal didn’t even need plates and she could eat with her hands. The happiest dinner in recent memory.Â
What better way to get flavors like fresh scallions, cilantro, jalapeños, beans, and avocados into your children while they profusely thank you while groaning in delight?
Chicken Nachos for Dinner
Serves 4-6
1 bag tortilla chips
8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2-1 c. canned black beans (rinsed)
2 jalapenos, thinly sliced (seeded and deveined if serving to kids)
3 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cooked and shredded or chopped
1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced (light green and green parts only)
2 avocado, cubed
1 c. roughly chopped cilantro
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Spread 1 layer of chips onto baking sheet in an even layer. Sprinkle with 1/3 of the cheese, some black beans, a handful of jalapeno slices, about half of the chicken, and a handful of scallions.
3. Bake for 5-8 minutes or until cheese is melted. Remove from oven.
4. Top with more chips, then sprinkle cheese, beans, jalapenos, chicken and scallions. Sprinkle the remaining cheese as the top layer.
5. Bake for another 5-8 minutes or until cheese is bubbling and melted.
6. Remove from oven and top with cilantro and avocado.Â